Monday, July 23, 2007
Carnival Elevation

Today's success lay in Lorene bottom-lining the paint prep for the bathroom- what motivation! However, after everything was taped, removed, or covered in plastic we opened the paint to find that it had turned gluteny over the winter and isn't useable- yuck! So we moved on to attend to the poor stair risers- now transformed from their boring look of 'plywood' to a dazzling display of color that elevates enthusiasm as it elevates your body. Outside of the house, Tim installed and caulked the garage trim which he's prepped last week.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Places to Rest

The newest addition to the house is the bench rail on the front porch, built by E-Co Lab (thanks, Tim!). It really improves the feel of the porch, and adds a lot of places to sit. Still to come is a piece of molding that will give it a 'layer cake' effect
as you can see on the edge, here

Here's a look from the east...

and from the front

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
So Long, so long ago!
It's been almost a year, and lots of drama has unfolded... but the house has unfolded as well! So rather than trying to do a comprehensive backlog, I'm going to bring us up to date snippet by snippet. Starting with... the sunshade that was erected in June to keep the bright beams out of my first floor rooms. Grapes and clematis have been planted at the base. Soon I'm aiming to add wisteria over the west bedroom. When they grow, the ugly (but temporary) landscape fabric will be removed. In the winter, the leaves will fall off, letting passive solar gain wam the house. Sunshades aren't needed on the second floor windows because the overhang of the roof was designed to block the high summer sun, but let in the low winter sun.

Three types of clematis and one of the three types of grapes...
and the west sunshade!

Three types of clematis and one of the three types of grapes...
and the west sunshade!